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When are we getting a public update

In approximately two weeks

Downloaded the new update, and nothing . . .   It just sits in the folder and fails to open.

Which of the archives is causing the problem? Win or macOS?

It's the Windows version  . . .

I was able to download, unzip the Win version and run it on Windows. In all likelihood, the error is on your side. Maybe you see some kind of error message?

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cum ass girls

Thanks for the review, more hot buns are already in the oven. A new update is about to come out soon )

Cant wait for the next update

Hey, Johny. Version 0.2.6 is already available on Patreon. Version 0.2.8 will be available for patrons in just two weeks. As for the itch, Version 0.2.3. will hit it on May 25th.

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delissimo game

When is the next version going to be available? 


The next version of the game will be available for patrons on April 13 or 14. A free version update will appear on itch next month.

is this still in development?

Yes, the game is in development. Updates are released every month. The latest version available for patrons is 0.2.3

will it be available for itch soon?

I think the new version will be on itch in 3 weeks, after the release of the new version 0.2.5 for patrons.

Could you make it for android?

Perhaps in the next update or version 0.3 there will be Android support.

Great game, decisions always lead to new interesting consequences. I recommend it to everyone!

Thanks for the feedback. It fuels my passion to make a better game for you